Our Church and SIAMS
Chirton is a ‘voluntary controlled’ primary school, one of more than two thousand throughout the country comprising just over half of all the church schools.
Voluntary Controlled schools undergo a separate denominational inspection in addition to the Ofsted inspection arrangements. This is known as a SIAMS Inspection (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools). The purpose of this inspection is to ensure that the school is fulfilling the Trust Deed that established it in the first place.
RE taught is through the Discovery RE syllabus and worship reflects the Anglican tradition through the Roots and Fruits Programme.
There is one key question that the school will need to answer:
"How effective is the school's distinctive Christian vision, established and promoted by leadership at all levels, in enabling pupils and adults to flourish?"
This question is explored through seven strands:
Strand 1: Vision and Leadership
Strand 2: Wisdom, Knowledge and Skills
Strand 3: Character Development: Hope, Aspiration and Courageous Advocacy
Strand 4: Community and Living Well Together
Strand 5: Dignity and Respect
Strand 6: The impact of collective worship
Strand 7: The effectiveness of religious education
St.John the Baptist Church, Chirton
The school is located close to the village church of St.John the Baptist. The village is part of the Cannings and Redhorn Team which serves the parishes of the Vale of Pewsey.
As well as a daily act of worship, the school celebrates its Easter, Harvest and Christmas services at the church. Representatives from the ministry team visit the school each week to conduct worship and Open the Book Worship. We are fortunate to have Foundation Governors on the Governing Body who are appointed by the Diocese of Salisbury.