"A warm welcome from CHIPS!
Established in September 2021, CHIPS has been on a remarkable journey, raising funds for various enriching initiatives whilst putting on lots of fun events for the children to enjoy.
Through the continuous support we receive from the school community and the success of our fundraising to date, we have been able to provide a new library, outdoor musical instruments, new reading scheme books, a water table, iPad and yoga for Pips, as well as much needed smaller resources to boost the classrooms and play areas.
Our most recent fundraising efforts are going towards a new canopy to enhance the EYFS outdoor area.
We are always ready to welcome new volunteers to join our friendly team. Your support will help us continue to organise fun events for the children, fostering a sense of community and contributing to the success of our school. Let’s make our children’s school experience even more memorable together!"
Karli Carrington
Chair of the CHIPS PTA