Chirton Primary


Amy Bekker Wrench - Headteacher

I have been a primary school teacher since 2006 and became  the Headteacher of  Chirton School in 2013.

I joined the Governing Body in 2013 as a Staff Governor. 

I am incredibly passionate about education and have        

cherished every moment of watching Chirton School grow from  a two class site with only 19 pupils to three classes, an

outdoor space and over 70 on roll! I am now excited to lead

the school moving forward into the next exciting phase.


Aimee Morgan – Chair of Governors

I joined the Chirton Governing Body in 2022 as a Parent Governor. I have two children, Ava, who is 7 and in Faith Class currently, and Malie, who is 2 and attends Pips. We live locally and feel so lucky to have such an amazing school and setting for our girls to attend that is so close to home. I work as a doctor for the NHS, and within this role I also have responsibility for and experience in safeguarding, mental health and also communicating amongst a large multidisciplinary team, which I feel will be useful skills to use within my role as a governor.   

 As a Parent Governor I lead on SEND and Forest School. I also enjoy supporting the school on a weekly basis listening to individual readers in Faith class. I believe strongly in the importance of reading for pleasure but also am passionate about helping the children to grow their fluency skills and understanding. 

 In my role as Governor, I look forward to continuing to support reading, PTA events and instilling the values and attitudes encompassed in the 6Rs. Looking ahead to the challenges and opportunities in the future, I believe that our school community can provide the best possible holistic education for all our children.


Sue Jones – Foundation Governor - Vice Chair of Governors

I was appointed by the Salisbury Diocese and joined the Chirton Governing Body in 2021, having previously served as a primary school foundation governor in Berkshire. I live in the village with my husband and we are both retired. I have 4 grown up children, one of whom is a primary school teacher. My professional background is in safeguarding and child protection. As a governor, I lead on RE, the school's Visions and Values, Collective Worship and on eSafety. I also support the teaching staff in Joy and Faith classes each week, helping with activities such as hearing individual readers, art and craft and local walks, which is an absolute privilege and always enjoyable.


Chris Parmenter - Trust Appointed Governor

I have recently joined the school governing body after finishing a career in teaching. During my time as a primary teacher, I was passionate about reading and early reading and was instrumental in developing English and reading for pleasure across the school. I have experience predominantly with key stage 2 and developing an effective curriculum which all children can access. I feel strongly that every child matters and every child should have a chance to succeed so being able to support a school which shares the same ethos is great. I hope that my skills and background in education and assurance will be able to continue to support the school effectively and help them to continue on their journey. 


 Sophie Wootton - Staff Governor


I have been a member of staff here at Chirton School since 2016, although my journey started at Chirton a couple of years before this when I first came as a student teacher.  I am currently the maths lead in school, as well as the computing lead across the EQUA MAT, and I am passionate about ensuring that all children have a belief in their abilities in all aspects of the school curriculum. It has been a joy to be part of the huge journey the school has been on over the past 10 years and I am looking forward to seeing the many successes that are still to come as we move into our next chapter of development.  


Richard Curtis – Foundation Governor - SDBE Corporate Member 
I moved to Wiltshire from Leicestershire 5 year ago to become the Team Rector of the Cannings and Redhorn Team. My previous 24 years of ministry were in Leicester Diocese and whilst there he served in four different benefices and on five different school governing bodies, one for 20 years. I also served on the Leicester Diocesan Board of Education for many years. Previous to reading Theology I worked in residential social work for Barnardo’s having previously taught Physics and Science in a Leicester Secondary School.


Claire Mullord - Trust Appointed Governor

I am the new Health and Safety Governor.

 I have worked in education for the past 20 years in an administration capacity in both the primary and secondary sectors. I am now retired and have a granddaughter who attends Pips.

 I volunteered as a Governor as I have experience of the challenges a village primary school experiences and I have knowledge and time to offer.

 I look forward to working with an excellent team that wants to promote the core values of a forward thinking and caring school.


Kate Wilkins - Parent Governor

I qualified as a primary school teacher in 2010 after spending 10 years working in the Market Research industry in London. I have worked mainly in Key Stage One throughout my teaching career and was Deputy Head Teacher of a large infant school in Salisbury until 2021. I now work in a primary school near Marlborough. I am passionate about education and ensuring that all children receive the opportunities they deserve to be successful throughout their primary years. 

My husband and I have two boys, the older of which is in Year 2, and our youngest currently attends Pips, hopefully joining the school in September. Outside of work I love travelling with my family and am a keen runner and member of a local running club.